Thought for food…

Ayurveda says “You are what you digest”.The simplest thing one can do to maintain a healthy body is to eat wisely , but with passing generations this simplest form of nature has undergone severe complexities.We have adopted a lifestyle where medicine overpowers food, forgetting the fact that if we eat right we will not need medicines .

Here are a few facts of Ayurveda that i am adopting in my lifestyle to improve my eating habits ;

# NATURALLY INTELLIGENT FOOD: Most of the food that is available at our grocery stores is  made of genetically modified ingredients  or grown with the use of harmful pesticides .These are storehouse of diseases . According to Ayurveda our body possesses the natural intelligence to process the food that is closest to nature . Basically we need to eat more Organic food , whole grains etc. Now the problem with this is usually the organic stuff is more expensive but we don’t always have to buy these off the fancy organic stores , one can visit their local farmer’s market and also there are many cheaper options available if  you look around properly.

# ACID-ALKALINE BALANCE; All the processed food that we eat these days is acidic in nature ,the use of pesticides in farming has made all our food acidic. Caffeniated drinks , sugary snacks etc all are acidic by nature.When your diet consists of mainly acidic type foods, the acid-alkaline balance is disturbed, having a detrimental effect on your health. Acidic fluids surround your body’s cells, causing headaches, fatigue and a weakened immune system, leaving you susceptible to colds and the flu. Alkaline foods support the health of your cells, which, according to a Natural Therapy Info article, are slightly higher in alkalinity. When illness occurs, your pH level drops below 7.0. If acidic levels continue to rise, lowering pH levels, your body is forced to burn alkaline sources to survive. The body doesn’t produce alkaline naturally, so eating a substantial amount of alkaline forming foods is crucial to help your body maintain a healthy acid alkaline balance. Now the question is what foods are alkaline, most fruits and vegetables are alkaline but should be organic in nature ,even citrus fruits though they are acidic turn alkaline while being digested . So eat cautiously.

#SOUL FOOD; Total health requires the well being of  both body and mind , Ayurveda states that the food that we eat can nourish and vitiate both these aspects. Cooking or eating when we are angry or stressed can turn our food into poison whereas the same done in a sattvic and harmonious atmosphere can turn our food into nectar. The nurturing company of family or friends during mealtimes can make our food more nourishing . Sometimes eating alone with all our focus on our food can turn a simple meal into a feast .

The conclusion here is take some time out , plan your meals, eat healthy nourishing food that will add to your total well being !!!

Here is Calvin”s idea of food , Enjoy !!!


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