
The average person checks their phone every six and a half minutes – 200 times a day. One in four of us admits to spending longer online each day than we do asleep, while 73 per cent say that we would struggle to go the whole day without our phones or computers.

In this age of gadget obsession we are always stuck with some form of digital device around us . It is getting increasingly difficult for us to survive without internet and gadgets. Although this digital world has its benefits , dealing with it everyday is causing many mental and physical ailments that need proper attention . Sleep deprivation, insomnia , depression are some of its side effects .

In order to enjoy the benefits of gadgets and internet we need to take sometime off from them too . It is essential for good mental health that we enjoy the nature around us with undivided attention . This is what is called DIGITAL DETOX! We all have this constant urge to check our phones for latest messages,our Facebook page to see what is happening with our friends.This constant desire is killing our ability to imagine,analyse and judge.These are the three basic functions of a healthy mind .Hence comes the need to disconnect,disconnect from this digital world to restore and reboot our life .

Digital Detox should be planned in advance. Although it is difficult to stay away from our smartphones, pre planning the event helps to avoid any emergencies especially for working professionals. One can also plan a full family gadget detox so that the whole family is together in this and it is a good opportunity to enjoy quality time with each other. Couples can have their own digital detox time , it will surely rekindle lost romance and enlighten the spirits of love and caring . Children too need a day to disconnect from all the gadgets around them . Restricting their screen time for a day would enhance their awareness and imagination .

To stay away from our gadgets we need to find something which is equally addictive and will nourish our minds and body . Here are a few things one can do when he wants to disconnect to reconnect .

# Read a good book – Reading increases our power of imagination . Reading is also a relaxing activity . It gives our mind an opportunity to be in the present.

# Indulge in a hobby- One can take this time away from gadgets to paint,bake , write or any other hobby.


# Go for a long walk- Walking reenergises the mind and body . Fresh air revitalises.


# Planning the days ahead- When we disconnect from the digital world mind can think clearly. Take this opportunity to plan the next day or next week .

# Meditate- Digital detox  is a good opportunity to meditate . Meditation heals the mind and the body .


Sometime for us it is difficult to devote a whole day for this kind of detoxifying , to solve this problem we can take out a few hours where we involve ourselves in some form of leisure or learning activity  and during these hours we do not use any of our gadgets . Joining a hobby class, gardening , walking your dog these are a few examples where you can digitally detoxify for a few hours on a day to day basis .

And now my favourite part!! This is how Calvin and Hobbes simply do nothing to detoxify .


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