Monthly Archives: August 2015




Friendship is the easiest way to detox . Spending time with friends takes away all our worries, we are happy in that moment. We are relaxed in a friend’s company . So its very important to have good friends in your life .

When i shifted from Mumbai to Kolkata , while everything else was a source of joy and happiness , the act of leaving my friends behind was the hard part. I could not imagine a life without my two friends . As much as i wanted to stay close to my family in Kolkata , i also did not want to leave my friends in Mumbai. It was a really difficult choice. And  that stress had taken over my whole self. The time i spent with them was my own form of meditation .

Friendship changes our perspective towards life. We all find a way to vent ourselves amongst our friends. There are no inhibitions in friendship . This is true detoxification .

Just a picture of me and my friends in some happy times ……!!11816897_10153604775462147_4637800970387872430_n

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