The ultimate luxury & the absolute necessity.


Meditation is the ultimate luxury you can gift yourself, but in today’s time when stress catches you faster than your mind can perceive ,it is becoming the absolute necessity.

What is Meditation ?

The simplest definition of meditation would be a state of mind in the present. When we stop thinking about our past  or planning for our future we are meditating . A new born child is in the state of mediation . He is unknown to past and future , he cries when he is hungry and smiles when he is satisfied , this is meditation. You are just involved in your present .

How does one practice meditation ?

With our daily lives being so complex and demanding we are bound to get stressed at certain intervals hence the need for meditating arises. Meditation can be practiced in various ways,what works for me is the guided meditation format. There are very good guided meditation videos on youtube which one can follow , also the Art Of Living foundation has a app specifically dedicated to meditation called SATTVA , this app has worked wonders for my full family ,even my 8 year old son practices meditation with the help of this app.Adding the link for this app so that you guys can download it too .

Link to Sattva App

The benefits of meditation are manifold . A calm mind ,excellent concentration , improved perception , intelligent ideas , spur in creativity , mental healing , better skills all happen after meditation .It is a tool of mental hygiene.It cleanses and rejuvenates the mind and we can devote ourselves to our goals more effectively . Mediation helps to reduce stress considerably . i am a living example of this . After adopting meditation i have controlled my stress to a great extent. I no longer resort to self-apathy or victimhood . I have taken charge of my life and with the help of mediation and yoga i am becoming a better person every day .

Ending this with one of Calvin”s thoughts about life in general . Keep Meditating!!!!


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