

Staying hydrated is the best way one can detox their whole system . Water is the best and cheapest way to flush out toxins. Water makes 75% of our brain, 83% of our blood and 75% of our muscles too.It helps to carry nutrients and oxygen to each of the cells in the human body . Apart from this water also helps to cushion joints, loose weight, it promotes a healthy glowing skin , it helps to fight unwanted infections , it boosts energy and also prevents constipation .

The daily requirement of water for a grown adult is around 2-3 litres. But drinking water can become boring and monotonous . These are some ways we can make water interesting by infusing it with different healthy ingredients .


Infuse purified water ( 1 lt ) with thinly sliced cucumber (7-8 slices), I lemon thinly slices and a few mint leaves . Let it stay infused for 30-40 mins . Then you can enjoy this water and it can be refilled around 3 times before discarding the ingredients. Cucumber is anti inflammatory and is full of B vitamins which boost energy . Lemon helps to strengthen the immune system and it also clears the digestive tract. Mint eases digestion . All this together with water helps in loosing weight faster .



Boil a litre of water and add cumin , coriander and fennel seeds ( half tsp of each) to bubbling water . Strain the boiled water and store it in a flask . Sip this throughout the day . This should be always be consumed warm or hot.



Along with mint and cucumber we could also add a fruit of our choice to water. Kiwi, strawberries, oranges can be infused with water to make interesting infused drinks .


Lastly i would like to add that having warm water instead of cold or chilled water helps the body to detoxify easily. Warm water gets easily absorbed and it helps to flush out all the toxins from the body .Warm water also aids weight loss and soothes cramps and aches.

Here is a good one from Calvin ..just something to do with water!! Happy Hydrating to everyone .


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