Stop Complaining – Declutter!!


The mind plays funny tricks . It often gravitates towards the negative. We spend most of our times complaining about our lives’s imperfections. This whining and whimpering to achieve perfection is cluttering our lives . We need to stop this to declutter our lives and our minds .

Imperfection is a part of life , we need to accept it and improve our lives each day with better ideas and imaginations. Complaining takes away a better part of our days and what we are left with is so little time to develop and grow ourselves .

When we stop complaining we find our minds fresh and energetic,we have more time and resources when the whining stops.Complaining is unproductive , when we complain we waste our creativity and imagination.

How do we stop complaining?

# REALISATION:  This is the first step. When we realise how complaining and whining is affecting us , we tend to stop ourselves from doing it. So first sit back and realise how this is affecting you negatively. This is half the work done.

#GET BUSY: When we are busy,our mind is occupied with something productive.When you feed your mind it stops gravitating towards the negativity ,this reduces complaining considerably.. You do not complain because you do not have time. To get busy plan your day ahead and work according to this plan.

# PRACTICE YOGA & MEDITATION: While in all my previous posts i have stressed on the importance of yoga and mediation in our daily lives , it also helps in this .Proper practice of yoga can train the mind to see the positive things . This stops us from complaining . Meditation calms the mind. When we are peaceful mentally we hate to complain.

# APPRECIATE THE GOOD : Instead of seeing the worse in people and things around us , we need to pause and appreciate the good in them . Stop being judgemental. Be grateful instead. Everything and everyone around us has something to offer to us , we need to accept our surroundings in the way they are. Instead of trying to change everything , we need to change ourselves. Appreciate what you have instead of cribbing about what you don’t.

# VENT ONCE IN A WHILE: We all have phases in our lives when things don’t go our way. Even after doing all the above we sometimes tend to feel overwhelmed in certain situations. This is the time you need to vent. Talk to a loved one , share your feelings, holding up all the negative thoughts is not necessary. We need to vent it out positively . Sharing with family and friends is the best way to vent yourself.

When we do all this, we learn to take responsibility for our actions. We learn to implement new ideas to bring about change that we seek . We no longer sit on the sidelines and whine, we take action. We become the change . We stop complaining . This brings about a positive outlook towards life , it improves our relationships . We get better at what we do .

Here is calvin”s view on complaining !!! Enjoy, because you can surely not complain about this . ch140117-2

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